
2018年8月26日—這時候,就可以使用DNS測試工具:DNSBench、namebench。DNSBench的話,全名為DomainNameSpeedBenchmark,是GibsonResearchCorporation所推出的DNS ...,GRC'sDNSBenchmarkperformsadetailedanalysisandcomparisonoftheoperationalperformanceandreliabilityofanysetofupto200DNSnameservers( ...,MorecomprehensivemeasurementscanbeperformedwithtoolslikeNamebenchortheGRCDNSBenchmark(forWindows).Determinem...

用戶端趕快更換IPv4 DNS設定8.8.8.8與8.8.4.4

2018年8月26日 — 這時候,就可以使用DNS測試工具:DNSBench、namebench。DNSBench的話,全名為Domain Name Speed Benchmark,是Gibson Research Corporation所推出的DNS ...


GRC's DNS Benchmark performs a detailed analysis and comparison of the operational performance and reliability of any set of up to 200 DNS nameservers ( ...


More comprehensive measurements can be performed with tools like Namebench or the GRC DNS Benchmark (for Windows). Determine metro serving your queries. The ...

Chromebook Chrome OS 上,更改公共DNS服务之步骤引导

2017年11月26日 — 网域名称解析速度在Benchmark 测试下确实增快(依照地区选用适合的公共DNS),特别是在Youtube上更为明显。查询时间也缩短。 * https ...

How to Choose the Best (and Fastest) Alternative DNS ...

2018年2月19日 — If you're looking for something faster than your ISP's DNS servers, we recommend you run a DNS benchmark to find what's best for your connection ...

Which DNS should I use on my Chromebook?

2022年4月8日 — Which DNS should I use on my Chromebook? Discussion. Is using Google DNS or openDns better and more secure than using my provider's Dns?

namebench - Open

Open-source DNS Benchmark Utility. Are you a power-user with 5 minutes to spare? Do you want a faster internet experience? Try out namebench.

DNS Speed Test

compare Popular DNS servers by displaying the DNS query speed, so you can find out which DNS server is the fastest for your network or smartphone.

DNS speed benchmarks on ChromeOS?

2016年9月8日 — Does anyone know of another way to test DNS server speed that works on ChromeOS?